Helpful Genealogical Research Tools.
A text translator... Finnish to English or whatever...
FREE Finnish-English/English - Finnish Dictionary
This is a great site on Finnish Grammar, plus some Sami.
A description of the historical development of Finnish surnames and first names.
How to pronounce those Finnish names that seem quite long and contain strange letters which doesn't make figuring out how to pronounce them very easy.
Leif Mether, webmaster for the FINNGEN mailing list, has written a comprehensive explanation (in English) of the origins of Finnish surnames. This is WONDERFUL! Also, a full listing of links (on the left side) will direct you to hundreds of international authors, books, and data on Finnish history and genealogy.
This is a VERY useful chart, showing the English meanings of abbreviations found in Finnish Vital Records. It explains some of the most confusing terms that you will find in researching Church records in HISKI. At this site click on Abbreviations & Terms.
Abbreviations used for a person's occupation or title in HISKI.
Excellent source for detailed maps of any segment of Finland.
Directory of Cities, Towns, and Regions in Finland
The Population Register Centre produces personal and building data services of the highest quality, as well as identification solutions for electronic services to cater for the different needs of society.