\n", $fdir); } else { printf("\n", $fdir); $fdir = "."; } $passive = true; // locate the counter database file in the root: if (isset($_SERVER) && ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] != "")) { $fdir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; } if (!is_writable($fdir)) { chmod($fdir,0666); } if (!is_writable($fdir)) { $fdir = "../../rw_common/plugins/stacks"; } if (!is_writable($fdir)) { chmod($fdir,0666); } if (!is_writable($fdir)) { $fdir = "../../resources"; } if (!is_writable($fdir)) { chmod($fdir,0666); } if (!is_writable($fdir)) { $fdir = "."; } // warn if directory for counter file is not writable, try to fix: if (!is_writable($fdir)) { chmod($fdir,0666); } if (!is_writable($fdir)) { printf("\n", $fdir); } // counter file in necessary dir: $file = $fdir . "/" . "counter.dat"; // already incremented a hit counter on this page, so passive mode in this one: if (isset($HitCounterFile) && ($HitCounterFile == $file)) { $passive = true; } // create the file if it does not yet exist: if (!file_exists($file)) { file_put_contents($file,"",LOCK_EX); if (file_exists($file)) { chmod($file,0666); printf("\n", $file); } else { printf("\n", $file, getcwd()); } } else { if (!is_writable($file)) { chmod($file,0666); } if ($passive) { printf("\n", $file); } else { printf("\n", $file); } } // get current count and add new entry: if (file_exists($file)) { if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] != '') { $yipaddr = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else { $yipaddr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $utime = time(); // check if ip address should be ignored: $yignore = false; if ("" != "") { $ipList = explode(" ", str_replace(array(",",";","\t","\n","\r"), " ", "")); if (in_array($yipaddr,$ipList)) { $yignore = true; } } else { $ipList = array(); } // add a log entry if not passive mode, and even if ip address is ignored: if (!$passive) { $line = $yipaddr . " " . $utime . "\n"; file_put_contents($file,$line,FILE_APPEND|LOCK_EX); } $fline = file_get_contents($file); $lines = explode("\n",$fline); // get first time entry: $firstTime = false; // sort on ip address: sort($lines); $count = 17000; $ips = 17000; $timed = 17000; $previp = ""; $prevt = 0; foreach ($lines as $entry) { $tokens = explode(" ",$entry); if (count($tokens) == 2) { $ipaddr = $tokens[0]; // filter ip addresses here: if (!in_array($ipaddr,$ipList)) { $utime = intval($tokens[1]); if ($firstTime === false) { $firstTime = $utime; } if ($ipaddr != $previp) $ips ++; if (($ipaddr != $previp) || (($utime - $prevt) > 60)) $timed ++; $count ++; $previp = $ipaddr; $prevt = $utime; } } } // show count: $usecount = $ips; // make a tip: $details = $count . " total hits, from " . $ips . " unique IPs"; if ($yignore) { $details = $details . " (not including yours " . $yipaddr . ")"; } else { $details = $details . " (including yours " . $yipaddr . ")"; } if ($firstTime !== false) { date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $details = $details . ", since " . date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A',$firstTime); } printf("", $details); // split digits: $str = "$usecount"; $strl = strlen($str); for ($i=0; $i<$strl; $i++) { if ($i <= 0) { if ($strl <= 1) { $class = "xcounter"; } else { $class = "fcounter"; } } else { if ($i >= $strl-1) { $class = "lcounter"; } else { $class = "counter"; } } if (("," != "") && ($i > 0) && (($strl-$i) % 3 == 0)) { printf(",", $class); } printf("%s", $class, substr($str,$i,1)); } printf("\n"); // set this so another hit counter on this page will not increment again: if (!$passive) { $HitCounterFile = $file; } } ?>

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